Stick'ink Tattoo - Eye of Providence

Stick'ink Tattoo - Eye of Providence


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Stick’ink 紋身貼為 TATS 最新革命性潮物!

  • 無論何時何地,只需花10秒,細緻圖案即時與肌膚無縫貼合,並於12小時後活現。

  • 黏貼紋身非常方便,不用過水及冲洗,亦毋須擔心紋身凝膠染污衣物;

  • 紋身凝膠成分天然不致敏;紋身圖案可維持長達2星期

Stick’ink is a new renovation of TATS body accessories collection. The temporary body ink sticker is an easier way to create your own 2-weeks body accessories. Stick on and tear off, the delicate graphic will appear.

  • Stick on and leave for 10 seconds, the beautiful graphic will be shown after 12 hours of colour development

  • Very convenient, will not dirt your clothes while you are sticking it on the go

  • No need to wash after sticking on

  • Natural ingredients, non allergic to skin

  • Lasts for 2-weeks

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How To Use


  1. 選定身體心儀的位置,清潔及抹乾該處皮膚

  2. 撕走紋身貼的透明薄膜,然後將背面有顏色圖案朝向上,貼上皮膚

  3. 用濕布或濕紙巾輕按紋身貼,令它徹底濕透並稍為用力按壓,確保紋身貼已經緊貼皮膚

  4. 靜待10至20秒,然後小心撕起貼紙,確認紋身圖案已完全轉移:皮膚上應會呈現出磨砂面的紋身印

  5. 保持該處皮膚乾燥至少15分鐘,待其乾透

  6. 一般在12-24小時後,紋身圖案會逐步呈現出極為像真的紋身效果


  • 顯色時間及效果,因人而異

  • 如發現圖案移位或損壞,請於5分鐘內把圖案用暖水洗去

  • 紋身區域不要和其他外露的皮膚部位長時間接觸,以免把顏色轉移到其他皮膚部位 (紋身區域接觸衣物不會出現染色轉移的情況)

How to Use 

  1. Clean and pat dry the area on your skin you decided to wear the Stick’ink tattoo sticker.

  2. Remove the transparent film on the sticker. Stick the side with the transparent graphic on the desired skin area with the colour printed graphic side facing out, press it to stick it firmly on the skin

  3. Lightly press the tattoo sticker with wet towel or tissue paper

  4. Let it sit for 10-20 seconds, remove the sticker carefully

  5. The transparent tattoo graphic should be transferred onto the skin perfectly

  6. Let the tattoo dry for at least 15 mins

  7. Under normal condition, the graphic will be fully developed in 12-24 hours.

Points to note 

  • The time for colour development varies based on different conditions - skin conditions, humidity, tattoo area etc

  • If you find that the transparent tattoo graphic is incomplete or disrupted during transfer, please remove the tattoo under warm water within 5 min.

  • Please avoid prolonged contact with the non-tattoo skin area with the tattoo to prevent colour from diffusing onto other skin area. Contact with clothes will not cause the colour transfer nor dirt your clothes.

Stick'ink Tattoo - Cute Dog

Stick'ink Tattoo - Cute Dog


Stick'ink Tattoo - I am Limited Edition


Stick'ink Tattoo - Dream 1


Stick'ink Tattoo - Love 1

Stick’ink Tattoo - Geometric universe

Stick’ink Tattoo - Geometric universe
