Stick'ink Tattoo - Cat play wool

Stick'ink Tattoo - Cat play wool


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Stick’ink 紋身貼為 TATS 最新革命性潮物!

  • 無論何時何地,只需花10秒,細緻圖案即時與肌膚無縫貼合,並於12小時後活現。

  • 黏貼紋身非常方便,不用過水及冲洗,亦毋須擔心紋身凝膠染污衣物;

  • 紋身凝膠成分天然不致敏;紋身圖案可維持長達2星期

Stick’ink is a new renovation of TATS body accessories collection. The temporary body ink sticker is an easier way to create your own 2-weeks body accessories. Stick on and tear off, the delicate graphic will appear.

  • Stick on and leave for 10 seconds, the beautiful graphic will be shown after 12 hours of colour development

  • Very convenient, will not dirt your clothes while you are sticking it on the go

  • No need to wash after sticking on

  • Natural ingredients, non allergic to skin

  • Lasts for 2-weeks

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Stick'ink Tattoo - Butterfly with moon


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